Initially launched in 1999, Beyblade was one of the most popular toys available in the market. The spinning toys were introduced by Takara first, and later, the company merged with an entertainment company called Tomy in 2006. The concept of Beyblades is similar to a board game called Battling Tops that was introduced in 1968. Over the years, Beyblades gained a massive following, with more and more people following the game. Looking at its popularity, the company decided to launch a game comic book series based on the toy. In 2002, the American toy and gaming company Hasbro started selling Beyblades internationally under license from Takara Tomy. Along with this, they also released a coordinated country-by-country release of the TV series. In August 2008, Takara Tomy decided to release Metal Fight Beyblade, the first significant update in the series ever since its introduction in the market. In July 2015, the series received its third incarnation with Beyblade Burst. The series got so ...